Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nareenthiran, 18(2006-present)

Nareenthiran, the big man of the club. Though soft-spoken, his sheer size can already intimidate some smaller players (try running against him and trying to knock him off the ball, it's hard for a girl). Though not a prolific scorer, he can still score, especially close-ranged ones. He also mostly remembers to use both his hands, to the coach's relief.
He played in two tournaments this year (Youthwave- Team Exodus, Dalat League), not very much, but in the little time that he did it was established that he was another steady player who had improved.

Verdict: Not someone who can change the course of the game in one magic movement, but it was not bad progress from this man. (5/10)
Play of the year: Nothing stands out, but maybe it's all very well. Slow and steady might not win the race but would most definitely finish it.
Prediction for next season: To continue his progress and maybe surprise everyone else.

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