Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jason Chan Ming Hwee, 25(2005-present)

One of the more experienced players in the club, Jason Chan Ming Hwee took on the coaching reins this year, temporarily laying it down after the Youthwave Floorball Tournament and becoming the club CEO, then taking it up again after the Penang Open Challenge. Full of charisma and possessing enormous passion for floorball and Frontliners Floorball Club, he became a national player just recently after representing Malaysia in APAC in December.
He played in all three tournaments this year (Youthwave- Frontliners Genesis[captain], Penang Open Challenge, Dalat League), scoring some delightful goals in the process.
Somewhere in late September his attitude changed from an old grouch during training to something a little more cheerful. One wonders what happened... though nobody is complaining. Heh.
Determined, dedicated, and disciplined (now where did that come from), he has everything in him to make it big time.

Verdict: Impressive play and progress, considering he is one of the older players in the club, he still made the time to practice and come for training. (8/10)
Play of the year: Hard to pick, but what stands out is the sweet goal he scored in Dalat League to deny Dalat 1 all three points, and also showing more teamwork and improvement than the previous tournaments.
Prediction for next season: Unpredictable. Meaning to what heights he can go. Perhaps this will help: "The person who goes the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare." His progress all depends on how much he desires to excel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah!! go jason! go frontliners!

full schdule ahead, lets rock!!

aching for floorball...