Monday, January 14, 2008

Champion Makers

"Courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid but being able to control that fear so you are able to perform at your highest ability. That's what makes a champion." --Cory Lester

(This would have been in Quote of the Week, but a profound-er quote was found, so go check below first before you read on.)

The club welcomed nineteen future champions to training this week, and training intensified by a notch as the club continues on its way to raise up world-conquerers. There were two new faces who couldn't be more different: Joshua Lam, loud and vociferous and quite an old hand at the game, and Wayne, small and quiet, just getting to know floorball.

The players showed much desire and passion, compared to the week before, and right after warm-up, though the goals were not very forthcoming, there were no players lagging behind or strolling around during the Snakes and Japanese Snakes.

The coach appeared to be happy with the spirit all around, and again, the players were separated with Kuan Yang taking the juniors and the coach taking the seniors. As always, the juniors did their basic ball control and shots while the seniors were introduced to the Spartan drills.

With 45 minutes left, the coach made it Seniors vs Juniors, though the Juniors had one extra player on the court. The seniors kept the ball most of the time, playing to the Spartan system, but the forwards missed quite a few open chances, Felicia being in fine form not helping.

It was the Juniors who scored first, capitalizing on the open goal guarded by the two defenders (Lin Ken sat out this time), and it was not the only goal as the game proved to be a free-flowing and entertaining match.

National No. 1 keeper Kao Lin Ken was unusually subdued this training, this week being his last time training with Frontliners due to work commitments.

*The club and the chatbox on the right will sorely miss Lin Ken as he moves on to new and higher places.*

No training next week due to the 3v3 Floorball Challenge, but do come to see the champions-in-making blazing the trail and taking home the goods:)

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