Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Training 280608: Of VIPs and Monkeys

Bearing in mind that Kuan Yang does not want his surname mentioned, and that this was Lavinia Ann Lam's last training (before leaving the club to further her studies in a place a thousand times bigger than Penang), here's the normally usual and usually normal write-up.

Training was held in Pei Li's idyllic beach cum picnic spot again, sun, sky, trees and state-of-the-art drainage system included. Kuan Yang took charge. Coach Jason Chan, on the other hand, came, delivered sticks, stayed awhile, talked, and without a shout, left.

Coach-for-the-day Kuan Yang made it thoroughly obvious that passing with movement was of the utmost importance for the day. Drills revolved around pass-and-move, move-and-pass, move-receive-pass, pass-move-receive, and the point becomes strikingly clear.

Star-of-the-day, main character, one-day celebrity Lavinia Lam was late. She seemed particularly relaxed, strolling in after 10 a.m. ("like any other VIP" - Pei Li). Took photos, played and didn't seem on the verge of breaking down into tears (though one can never tell).

Matches started remarkably early. 4-on-4s. Julian Tan was rather 'high' throughout the entire training, doing incomprehensible acts of silliness (ditto monkeys) and playing utterly nonsensical tunes from his handphone. He never got tired, even demanding one more match after Kuan Yang called it a day. (And yes, he did get the match.)

Training ended with a parting gift from the club to Lavinia Lam (puppy plushie in flourescent pink box, purchased thoughtfully by Roselyn Ewe).

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