Friday, January 9, 2009

Calvin Ho, 15 (2008-present)

Calvin, who replaced long-gone Joshua Raj as the pretty boy of the club, acknowledged even by Coaches Jason and Kuan Yang. One of the long line of Saints that have decorated this club. A squash player before he joined Frontliners in June, he played for 300 in Z'Liners.

Hardly ever breaks into sweat but retains his icy coolness even during killers and suicides.

Verdict: Underneath his looks lie decent technique, whether in passing, shooting or receiving. Stopped training for a while to concentrate on his studies, but came right back after PMR.

Play of the year: Playing his part in Z'Liners, his first tournament ever, helping 300 win at least one of their games.

Prediction for next season: To rise above 'average' and 'decent' as he continues to come faithfully for training and gain exposure in tournaments.

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