Held in an open basketball court (due to unavailability of other courts), the team welcomed a new player... June Kew!
After some light banter (Coach Jason's usual orange socks were sorely missed), the team got down to serious business and started out with two-on-ones. A few pitiful rounds later, the coach called a timeout and delivered a scathing diatribe.
"...I do know the heat is killing you, but you know, I'm also feeling it! You people are playing like you have no soul. I want you to put a bit of your soul into every ball you play!" ...were some of his words.
The team immediately responded and lifted their game. Shouts of encouragement sounded from the sides as Coach Jason demanded three goals before he ended the two-on-ones. Zi Yin, coming for her second training, did reasonably well and scored a good goal.
Training continued with a practice match (ladies v ladies, guys v guys). As usual, as attendance
After training, asked on how her first training was, June Kew responded: "It was fun... It wasn't the heat that got to me, my legs just got tired fast."
Quizzed on how her sister (June) did, Pei Li replied grudgingly: "She did fine..."
The players have overcome the heat and are (or should be...) ready for anything else that may stand in their way!
i'm going home
back to the place where i belong
where your love has always been enough for me
i'm not running from
no i think you got me all wrong
right, i think i owe everyone an explanation for these comments.
well, you see..
there's this problem with my comp..
which doesn't allow me to log on through the highway..
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